
Riddle me this
Riddle me that
Riddle away a night more
The Riddle is a personality trait with you

You are defined, a phantom, by an absence:
Riddled me an unanswer.

If riddling were a game of chess, my friend,
You would be grandmaster.
In the divided realm you inhabit, they would put away their
Cynide pills, detaching them from their arms,
And would ask, again, to be part of your coterie.

But riddles are not a game of chess,
no more than I was Kasparov to you;
The coterie speaks a language I do not understand.

The riddles have been shelved, like you and I,
Who forgot how to speak, for riddling.
Teach me again, this new language,
Before I leave you again,
And riddle me an answer.


guess who ? said...

Cheating !!

J said...

Too much intertextuality. Unintended also.